Our Vision
We envision a world where humans live and thrive in harmony with their environment.
Our Mission
Our mission is to facilitate the transition towards sustainable development in communities throughout the Americas. Drawing strength from our extensive network, resources and experience, we:
Facilitate awareness raising;
Support capacity building and research collaboration;
Create, collect and disseminate scientific data;
Provide objective guidance for policy and decision making entities;
Support start-ups and existing organizations pursuing similar or related sustainability objectives;
Establish strategic Public-Private-Partnerships and other strategic alliances.
Our Strategy
We concentrate our efforts and organize our activities among five key focus areas, which are:
Material management
We believe that by placing people’s basic needs at the center of our work we are better positioned to understand and find the right balance between these needs and the conservation of the resources provided by nature.
Our Values
We choose to lead by example and act responsibly in order to make a lasting contribution to our communities. Americas Sustainable Development Foundation is committed to upholding high ethical standards, including: integrity, accountability and transparency.