Successful Circular Economy Mapping Session in Aruba
Tassiana Groot | February 2018
Location: J. Irausquinplein 4, Oranjestad – Aruba (University of Aruba)
As a contribution to the Circular Economy Club’s global Circular Economy Mapping Week, the Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF) through the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas, organized a Circular Economy Mapping Session in collaboration with the University of Aruba to start mapping out projects and initiatives that are compatible with the Circular Economy (CE) principles.
This event was organized and led by ASDF’s executive director ing. Kevin de Cuba MSc. who is a Senior Energy and Sustainable Development specialist, with the contribution of Mr. Bauke Feenstra, a Lecturer and Researcher of the Finance and Economics Faculty at the University of Aruba. This partnership with the University of Aruba aims to raise awareness and built capacity to solve many recurring sustainability challenges on the island, such as waste management, through a Circular Economy lens.
ASDF, who is also the founder of the Circular Economy Platform of the Americas (CEP-Americas) and principle organizers of the Circular Economy Forum of the Americas (CEFA), is one of the leading organizations within this field in the American Continent and is paving the way for nations in the western hemisphere, including Aruba, in the transition towards circular economies. The term circular economy is generally defined as a “regenerative and restorative system aiming to keep products, materials and components at their highest value and utility throughout all phases of their life” (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016).
The workshop started with a lecture on circular economy by ing. Kevin de Cuba. Afterwards, the participants sat together in groups to map out current practices as well as innovative ideas that could be applied around the island. To finalize the workshop, Mr. Eric Mijts led the discussion on the ideas chosen by each group based on the guiding principles of circular economy.
This CE Mapping workshop was a contribution towards facilitating the transition toward Circular Economy in Aruba, in line with the set priorities of the Aruban Government. The official recognition of the value and relevance of Circular Economy as part of the national development vision is unique to the Caribbean region and will set Aruba apart as a serious contender on the way to becoming the first sustainable circular island economy.
Contact Information:
Organizer: ing. Kevin de Cuba MSc.
E: kdecuba@sustainableamericas.com
U: www.sustainableamericas.com