We are Americas Sustainable Development Foundation (ASDF)
Welcome to the Americas Sustainable Development Foundation's website. ASDF is an independent not-for-profit advisory foundation that connects people with innovative ideas to take concerted actions to address sustainable development challenges across the Americas.
Sustainable Development is development that considers the needs of communities now without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Report).

As an official member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the single regional organization with specific focus on facilitating sustainable development in and for the American Continent, we use the concept of Sustainable Development and related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a suitable framework in which to holistically analyze and address global, regional and local challenges as they relate to our societies, economy and the environment. Sustainability has become an indispensable consideration for both governments, civil society, and the private sector, when it comes to creating healthy growth and improved livelihood.
Our Initiatives:

Circular Economy Platform of the Americas
Aug 2016 - ongoing
Through this initiative we aim to promote the awareness and application of "sustainable circular economy" principles throughout the American Continent where the resources, knowledge, capacity and wealth is adequately distributed among its people to satisfy current and future needs while they prosper in harmony with nature. ...

Circular Economy Forum of the Americas
Nov 2017 - ongoing
This international forum, known as CEFA, is the largest annual gathering of Circular Economy minded individuals, companies, NGO’s, academia, and governments from all over the American Continent to discuss the needs, challenges and opportunities to promote and make the transition towards a Circular Economy (CE) possible....